Filing for a Motor Accident Claim? Here Is How to Win Your Case

Law Blog

Accidents happen, and they are over so fast. At the moment, you are likely to get confused and not know what to do. Thus, you should first take the time to calm down. Taking time to compose yourself will prevent you from making the situation worse. If you have any injuries, then you may claim for personal injury compensation. Use these guidelines to help you when filing for a motor accident claim.

23 April 2020

Homeowner Versus Breadwinner – How to Achieve a Just Outcome during Divorce

Law Blog

Many years ago, traditional marriage would often be defined as a union between a "breadwinner" and a "homemaker." In this case, one party would generate the money required for living expenses, and the other would tend to housekeeping or the care of any children. This type of scenario still exists today, of course, but often, both parties have a full-time work commitment, and this may redefine their relationship to a degree.

21 April 2020