Top Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Workers' Compensation Case

Law Blog

After getting hurt at work, you may have to file for workers' compensation. The workers' compensation program should help you pay for all medical bills. It should also cover any wages you lose during the missed days at work. The process, however, can be frustrating. Thus, things can go wrong, and you may not get the compensation you deserve. It is crucial to follow specific guidelines when filing for the workers' compensation claim. The article highlights some mistakes people make when dealing with compensation cases alone.

Failing To Report the Injury

You cannot start the process of filing for workers' compensation without notifying your employer. Ensure that you let your employers know as soon as you get injured. Otherwise, your claim will look suspicious. Most employees delay reporting their injuries or fail to report them at all. That is because they are afraid of facing disciplinary action. However, you should know that the law discourages employers from punishing a worker because they filed a claim. So inform your supervisor as soon as you get hurt. Provide the information in writing so that you can keep a copy for yourself. 

Going Against Doctor's Orders

Workers' compensation is supposed to help you as you recover. If you are not helping your recovery process, then your benefits can be discontinued. Thus, go to all your doctor's appointments—also, note everything they recommend and follow it. If the physician advises you to go for therapy, do not take that for granted. If you are not in agreement with your doctor's orders, your attorney will let you know the right steps to take. Otherwise, follow each guideline from your doctor. 

Signing Documents Without an Attorney

Avoid signing papers without a legal representative going through them. Keep in mind that signing a settlement offer closes the claim process. If you are not happy with the settlement, you cannot revisit it later. Therefore, firms try to speed up the signing of a low settlement. Ensure you understand your rights before signing any agreement. Have a compensation attorney by your side to help you get the compensation you deserve. Otherwise, you may end up with problems you cannot correct once you complete the appeal process. 


A workers' compensation case is not easy to handle. It has a lot of elements to keep in mind. Thus, you are likely to make mistakes if you do not have the right skills. Compensation lawyers can help you understand your claim. They will let you know what to do to avoid hurting your case.


9 July 2020

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