
Services Provided By Deceased Estates Lawyers

Law Blog

A deceased estates lawyer is a professional who assists clients who would want to create an estate management plan. The primary objective of this plan is to ensure a smooth transition of the estate to beneficiaries once the client dies. In the excerpt below, you will learn some of the essential services provided by a deceased estates lawyer and the considerations you should make when hiring a deceased estates lawyer. 

30 April 2021

Children And Divorce In Australia

Law Blog

The Australian Family Law Act 1975 stipulates the rights of children once their parents' divorce. Typically, the Australian family court makes a ruling based on equal shared parental responsibility or the child's best interests. Below is an article discussing the situations that prompt the family court to use either of the two statutes.  Shared Parental Responsibility In an ideal situation, children should enjoy their parents' love and care regardless of whether they are married or divorced.

1 February 2021

Instances When You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Law Blog

All car accidents are not the same. You might not need a car accident lawyer for minor car accidents but you may require one for a major car accident, especially if you were injured. Here are different scenarios where you might need a car accident lawyer: 1. When You Want to Better Understand the Terms of an Insurance Coverage Just because a car insurance cover states it will compensate you after a car accident, it does not mean it will.

21 October 2020

Conveyancing Guide for Buyers of Australia's Real Estate

Law Blog

Are you looking to own part of Australia's real estate? Australia is a great place to live, work and invest. If you have identified a piece of real estate property you want to purchase, you'll need to go through the conveyancing process in order to purchase the property. But what is conveyancing and how does it work? Here's some crucial information to know before embarking on the process of conveyancing.

3 September 2020

Family Lawyers: When Do You Need Them?

Law Blog

There are times when families require the services of family lawyers or a court of law to help settle their disputes. You need to know such times so that you can understand how a family lawyer can be of assistance to you. 1. Wills and Deceased Property Settlement Even though life is precious, at some point, everyone unfortunately dies. If you have accumulated a lot of wealth, it is recommended that you leave a will to prevent disputes within your family and to prevent other unknown persons from claiming your family's wealth.

11 August 2020

Excluding One of Your Children from Your Will

Law Blog

When drafting your will, you are essentially determining who gets what, whether it's a specific monetary amount, a certain physical asset (such as property), or a percentage of your overall estate. When you have children, the equality of the division is undoubtedly going to be a priority. And yet, it might be that the division deliberately excludes one of your children, whether they receive a lesser share of your estate, or are entirely omitted from your list of beneficiaries.

28 July 2020

Top Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Workers' Compensation Case

Law Blog

After getting hurt at work, you may have to file for workers' compensation. The workers' compensation program should help you pay for all medical bills. It should also cover any wages you lose during the missed days at work. The process, however, can be frustrating. Thus, things can go wrong, and you may not get the compensation you deserve. It is crucial to follow specific guidelines when filing for the workers' compensation claim.

9 July 2020

4 Conveyancing Errors and How to Avoid Them

Law Blog

Many people are afraid of investing in the property market due to the risks involved in the process. However, the introduction of conveyancing helped to protect those buying property. No one wants to deal with problems when investing in real estate. A contract can prove helpful in eliminating issues when selling or buying property. But sometimes people overlook some critical conveyancing aspects that cost them in the long run. If you wish to conduct a property transaction, learn the mistakes most people make and avoid them.

30 June 2020

Top Reasons You Need A Wills and Estate Lawyer

Law Blog

Many Australians die without leaving a will for their dependents. This leaves the court with the final word regarding how their estate is to be distributed. It's essential to plan your estate while you are still alive to avoid leaving your beneficiaries in financial turmoil. Here are some of the reasons you need a wills and estate lawyer. Estate Planning Many people cannot tell the difference between a will and an estate plan.

15 June 2020

Understanding Serving Divorce Papers

Law Blog

There are usually two kinds of divorces: Amicable Divorce (both parties find divorce to be the best way forward with no dispute) Hostile/Unamicable Divorce (one party initiates the divorce due to either emotional or physical violence/abuse, adultery/cheating, etc.) In an amicable divorce, neither party serves the other divorce papers. You might, however, need a divorce/family lawyer to help you put together divorce papers, verify whether the contents of the divorce papers reflect what you and your spouse agreed upon and then file them on your behalf.

3 June 2020