
Why You Need A Wills and Estates Lawyer

Law Blog

People often start thinking about wills when they get old. It is crucial to think about the benefits of wills early to avoid leaving chaos and confusion when you pass away. Hiring a wills and estates lawyer is essential to getting a valid will and getting peace of mind in your old age. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a lawyer for matters regarding wills and estates. Intestate Deaths

22 May 2020

Top Times When Family Dispute Resolution Is Helpful

Law Blog

Family dispute resolution means trying to agree about family law issues before going to court. During family dispute resolution, an independent mediator assists family members to reach an agreement. Family dispute resolution (FDR) is necessary in most children custody cases. The court will not take up your child custody case unless you first try to resolve the issue through the FDR process. FDR services are available to you at any point in the relationship, even after the court case begins.

14 May 2020

How a Certified Conveyancer Could Help Make the Process Smooth and Transparent

Law Blog

Although conveyancing is a critical process when selling your property, the process can be stressful when a competent conveyancer isn't involved. Settling the conveyancing process requires you to work closely with an expert who understands the ins and outs of the process. If you don't meet the outlined legal obligations, the title won't be transferred. A conveyancer knows what the transaction entails and the protection that your rights need. If the seller doesn't seek conveyancing services from a certified conveyancer, they might not meet the contract's requirements.

8 May 2020

As an Employer, Are You Categorising Your Staff Correctly?

Law Blog

As any business expands, owners or managers may need to take on additional employees. There may be an element of uncertainty attached to this growth, however, and the business will want to be as flexible as possible to keep all costs in check. Many employers may, therefore, seek to take on these additional staff members on a casual basis, but if they do, they will need to be very clear about the terms and conditions.

6 May 2020

3 Ways to Help You Slash Unnecessary Costs When Planning Your Estate

Law Blog

Estate planning isn't just a delicate process, but it's an expensive one too. However, the amount of money you spend on estate planning depends on several aspects: your geographic location, attorney's experience level and the complexity of your needs. Luckily, you can work out some ways to make the process affordable and avoid some unnecessary costs during estate planning. Here is what you can do to slash down your estate planning costs:

6 May 2020

Must Conveyancing Be a Nerve-Racking Process? 3 Indisputable Ways You Could Make It Smooth

Law Blog

First-time property buyers don't always do things right, and they even get confused when handling conveyancing transactions. They don't just find these transactions time-consuming but also complicated. If you don't know how you should handle the conveyancing process, it won't just have flaws, but it could also delay. However, you can do something to make the conveyancing process a smooth experience. Get Your Mortgage Ready Before You Go Home-Hunting Nothing could be quite embarrassing like finding a fairly priced home when the mortgage has delayed or when issues that could stop it arise.

6 May 2020

Does a Child's Opinion About Custody Matter? 3 Things the Courts Consider

Law Blog

When married couples decide to part ways, they don't always see eye to eye about who should get custody of the children. In such cases, the courts may be called upon to award custody rights to one or both parents based on their children's best interests. Does a child have a say in the final decision made by the courts? If a child is old enough, they can be granted an audience to give their opinion about what they want.

1 May 2020

The Practicalities of Divorce Under Unique Circumstances

Law Blog

The specifics and circumstances differ from one divorce case to the next. A qualified divorce lawyer will know how to handle these cases accordingly, which is why you should not hesitate to speak to one about your case. Here is a look at some unique circumstances that some divorcing couples have found themselves facing, and what you can expect from your divorce lawyer going forward in these instances. Married for A Very Short Time

29 April 2020

Some Common Loopholes You Should Avoid When Writing an Explicit Will

Law Blog

Writing a will can be quite confusing and draining, but you've to do it for the best interest of your loved ones. If you die before you have written a will, your family is likely to fight over the property or inheritance. Even if you don't find drafting a will a fun task, you should do it to prevent unnecessary disputes among your beneficiaries once you're dead. Writing a valid will without the input of a competent will lawyer can be a daunting task.

29 April 2020

Why the Family Court System Is More Concerned with Child Welfare Than Warring Parents

Law Blog

If two parents go through a separation and unfortunate divorce, then they need to do whatever they can to protect the children from the trauma. While they may be laser-focused on going their own ways and splitting up their assets, a family court will be more concerned with the plight of the kids. What factors will a court take into consideration when it comes to ongoing care? Focus on the Kids

28 April 2020